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A Cornish Almanack

When Cornwall Shook the World

This volume comprises a day-to-day calendar for a Cornish year but extending over more than 800 years.

It records major events or the birth or death of someone who made an impact in Cornwall or elsewhere.

A Cornish Almanack recounts financial and sexual scandals, political intrigue as well as the births and deaths of artists, scientists and politicians who had close connections to Cornwall.

There is one event, birth or death for every day of the Cornish year.

Read the entire volume, day by day, here.

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The county is world famous for its art which is best described historically by the, late 19th / early 20th century Newlyn School of Art and the modernist, post World War II, St. Ives Group of Painters which nurtured the 'Seven and Five Group': seven painters and five sculptors.

The Newlyn School comprised artists such as Stanhope and Elizabeth Forbes, Lamorna Birch, Midge Bruford, Norman Garstin, Caroline and Thomas T.C. Gotch, Dame Laura and Harold Knight, Walter Langley, Harold Harvey, Dod and Ernest Procter and Annie Walke. Dame Laura Knight's famous work, The Beach, appears above left.

The St. Ives Group had a diverse membership including Dame Barbara Hepworth, Ben Nicholson, Naum Gabo, Bernard Leach, Wilhelmina Barns-Graham, Peter Lanyon (pictured below left), Sven Berlin, John Wells and Bryan Wynter. All of these artists are discussed more fully in this almanack.

There were also financial scandals including banking and mining share fraud. At one time the county returned an extraordinary forty two MPs and political scandals and rotten boroughs where there were just a handful of voters and which were controlled by the local squire. This injustice led directly to the 1832 Reform Act.

The entire volume is reproduced on this website with a page for each day of the year and can be accessed by selecting A Cornish Almanack - Cornwall Day by Day from the menu or by clicking here. It can also be purchased as a printed volume from our products page.

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